Saturday, June 17, 2006

Cleaning Day

I was planning to take Kathryn out somewhere today, but yesterday she still had a bit of a cold. So instead today became a "Cleaning Day". We rented a little storage place to hold some of our stuff while we're trying to sell the house. So today Kathryn separated her stuffed animals into "those that stay" and "those that go into storage". Judging from her cries of anguish, it was a difficult process. Kristin kept herself busy with laundry: washing, drying, folding, repeat. I decided to tackle both bathrooms, top to bottom (including the shower stall, which we'd been using as Holiday Decoration Storage).

For those of you who don't know, when I decide to clean something, I've gotta get into a mental state like the karate guys before they break the bricks. So I popped the iPod into my pocket, slapped some headphones on my head, and got down to business. I told myself that I would "reward" myself with a nice lunch after I finished both bathrooms. I fully expected Kathryn and Kristin to have their own lunch at the normal time. But Kathryn wanted to wait to "have lunch with Daddy." I'm loved!

So after I finished, we went out for a late lunch. She wanted to play "Pirates" on the way. That basically means that she tells me, "Set course for <wherever>, First Mate Daddy," to which I'm supposed to reply "Aye aye, Cap'n Kathryn." When we finally get where we're going, she yells, "Land ho!"

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