Friday, June 23, 2006

After-Work Volleyball Picnic

One of my co-workers (a fellow named Ray) decided to plan an after-work volleyball picnic outside our workplace tonight. Ostensibly, this picnic was to celebrate the anniversary of my heart operation, but that was just an excuse to have a get-together. Ray called it: The Annual "We're Glad Howkster's Not Dead" Picnic. Not many of our team members came, since many of them had weekend plans. But since our families were invited, we had enough people. It was nice to spend some time reconnecting with all the families. After everyone had their fill of food, we moved over to the sand volleyball court for some fun. In hindsight, playing immediately after eating was not very wise, but we still had a great time! There was a lot of good-natured ribbing (mostly involving our inadequate volleyball skills). It's a great place to work, and we've got a fantastic group of people on our team.

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