Saturday, April 28, 2007


Summer isn't here yet, but the summer movies are starting to arrive. Spiderman 3 will be the "official" start of the summer movie season next week, but a few decent movies have already appeared in theaters. I recently watched Fracture (Anthony Hopkins, Ryan Gosling), and since Ray has been asking me to start reviewing movies again, I figured I'd start with this one.

As of today, RottenTomatoes gives Fracture a 70%. I'd personally put it a bit higher (around 75%), primarily because I generally like courtroom dramas, because I like puzzle movies, and because I really like Anthony Hopkins. He doesn't break any new ground here. In fact he plays his character almost the same way he played Hannibal, but that didn't bother me in the slightest. It's enjoyable to watch Hopkins' character manipulate everyone else in the cast, despite their best efforts. But primarily I enjoyed Fracture because of the snappy dialog. I wish they'd included more scenes with Hopkins and Gosling together, because it was fun to follow their verbal sparring.

The plot does include a few holes, which is one reason I can't universally recommend it. People who go out of their way to poke plot holes (<cough>Coach</cough>) should probably avoid Fracture. But for the most part you won't see the implausibility of it until you're talking about the movie afterwards.

I also docked it a few points because it dropped in a few too many "Character Alignment Shifts". Those are the moments when a main character thinks about his/her life, realizes that he/she has been a complete jerk, and resolves to change. Most of the time, the C.A.S. is identified by a montage of contemplative scenes in which the character either:
a) stares off into space
b) walks alone down a dimly lit street (usually at night)
c) plays an instrument alone (usually a piano or a guitar), or
d) performs some routine mindless action (like taking out the garbage), followed by one or more of the above.
Fracture's C.A.S. was a bit too outlandish for me to believe. But I understand that's not the sort of thing that seems to bother most people (after all, believe it or not, there are some people who bought into the insanity of Lady in the Water).

If you like courtroom dramas or Anthony Hopkins, you'll probably like Fracture. But don't try to nit-pick it while you're in the theater. Save that for the drive home.

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Sunrise, Sunset

Last week I took Kathryn to Kindergarten screening for District 15. I thought that was bad enough. Kindergarten screening is one of those big "my baby's growing up" moments. But then Kathryn called me at work today to announce that she had "pulled out her loose tooth!" So Kathryn officially lost her first tooth today. Time is moving way too fast. To celebrate tonight, Kathryn chose to make a "special" popcorn while watching Star Wars with me. Though I am again encouraged that she likes to spend time watching sci-fi movies with me, I shudder to imagine what she's going to be like in a few years.

Little Becca isn't quite so little anymore. She's growing up too fast too. Last weekend I had to move the shoulder straps in her car seat up to the highest notch because she'd outgrown the smaller settings. Here are a couple of pictures for you.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Rebecca's 6-month checkup

From Kristin's e-mail:
Rebecca had her 6 month check up today, and she's doing great.

Weight: 14 lbs 11oz (between 25 - 50 percentile)
Height: 25 1/4 inches (between 25 - 50 percentile)
Head circumference: 16 inches

Doctor said that everything looks good, and she's right where she should be developmentally. So, you're asking yourself, where is she developmentally? Well, I'm glad you asked. Rebecca is right on the verge of many milestones.
  • Rolling over from back to front. She actually did this a few times in late March, but had a growth spurt and hasn't done it since, but she's about to start doing it again.
  • Sitting up. She has the head control, but not quite enough control of the rest of her body. She'll sit if we support her, but if we don't, she slumps over immediately.
  • Teeth. Rebecca has been exhibiting all the signs of teething for the last few weeks: constant streams of drool, crankiness, gnawing on whatever gets near her mouth.
  • Solid foods. Just this past weekend, Rebecca started accepting her rice cereal. And last night she ate about 8 or 9 little spoonfuls. At this rate, we'll be able to add a second serving of cereal next week, and maybe a different flavor / texture the next week.
Rebecca is officially sleeping through the night now. She'll fall asleep between 10-11pm and sleep until 7-8am. Its wonderful!