Friday, August 11, 2006

Who pays for political stupidity? We do.

Here are a couple of excerpts from a story on about Blagojevich's failed attempt to regulate the sale of violent video games:
$510,528.64: the amount the State of Illinois must reimburse the video game industry for legal fees incurred fighting Gov. Rod Blagojevich's failed video game law, ruled unconstitutional by a Federal District Court judge last December.

"Judge Kennelly's rulings send two irrefutable messages," said ESA boss Doug Lowenstein. "Not only are efforts to ban the sale of violent video games clearly unconstitutional, they are a waste of taxpayer dollars. The sad fact is that the State of Illinois knew this law was unconstitutional from the beginning. Taxpayers have a right to know that over half a million of their dollars and countless government hours were thrown away in this fruitless effort."
If you want to read the whole article, it's near the bottom of this page.

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