Friday, September 01, 2006

What a week!

There are a lot of changes these days. It seems that everything's happening all at once (except the birth of the new baby, thank goodness). Last weekend Dad and I rearranged the furniture, but we left everything else strewn about. At the beginning of the week Kristin picked most things up, and generally created order out of chaos.

Monday was Parents' Orientation Day at Kathryn's new pre-school. She's attending "Joyful Noise" pre-school at the local Presbyterian church on M-W-F afternoons. On that first day, I think Kristin and I were more nervous than she was. Despite being an "only child," Kathryn had no trouble jumping right into the fray with the kids.

Starting next week, Kathryn will have dance class on Tuesday mornings. But we were still busy, because Kristin's parents dropped by on Tuesday to spend the night on their way to Michigan. McHenry was a bit out of their way, but it was nice of them to stop by while they were in Illinois.

Wednesday was Kathryn's official First Day of School, and my mom came up from Joliet to help Kristin paint Kathryn's room (pink, of course). I came home for lunch to wish Kathryn well for her first day, and I admit to being a little sentimental. My little girl's going to school now! It's just another of those little steps towards independence.

Wednesday night was the first night for AWANA at our church. We decided to let Kathryn try it and see if she's ready for it. Technically AWANA starts at Kindergarten, but I think they'll make an exception for Kathryn. Everyone at church knows her, and the AWANA staff had already unofficially suggested that we should try to enroll Kathryn. Plus, since I've been looking to get involved with another ministry at church, I offered my help. They immediately sent Kathryn downstairs with the other kids, and they put me to work outside with the campfire. There were already four youth out there, and they didn't seem to need the help. But they made me feel very welcome, and Kathryn and I both had an incredible evening.

Thursday is now our only day of the week without any scheduled activities. Mom and Kristin continued painting Kathryn's room, and Kathryn slept in the "playroom" on the air mattress (which she absolutely loved)!

Today Kathryn went back to school, and I think she's starting to get the hang of it. Or... at least I'm getting used to the idea. :-) I'm just glad we have a three-day weekend to recover from all these upheavals. As long as nothing blows up over the weekend, I should be ready to face the world again on Tuesday.

For now, I'm gonna play some much-needed World of Warcraft. Next time I'll have to tell you about yesterday's trip to Evanston, and about the cute, but sappy romance movie I finished watching last night.

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