Thursday, September 07, 2006

The Guys' Weekend

Tomorrow Jeff, Bill, Paul, and I are heading up to RJ's cabin in Wisconsin for our annual Guys' Weekend. Randy can't come because he's visiting his family in Florida. RJ is one of my co-workers, and he has a standing offer for any of his friends to use his cabin, as long as we take good care of it. There's a big firepit up there, and RJ said that he left us a LOT of firewood.

RJ's a great fellow, but he's got the reputation at work for being a prankster. And it's no wonder: he's the webmaster of, and he often brings his antics into the workplace. So who knows what we'll find up there. I'm always a little hesitant to use the shower... because I'm always paranoid that he's got a web-cam installed in there. (Just kidding, RJ... I hope!)

Unfortunately, I seem to be a bit more accident-prone this year. I've had two injuries over the last two days. Yesterday I bruised my shin pretty hard at AWANA (trying to beat Marshall to the first-place prize). I don't know what (or who) I hit. There were a bunch of flailing arms and legs, a collision, and somehow I ended up with a bruised shin.

Then today at work, I gave myself a nice long cut while playing table tennis (yes, we have a ping-pong table at work). Brian hit a nice shallow slice off the right side of the table. As I reached to return it, my forearm got a little too close to the corner of the table, and I cut myself pretty well. I did return the ball, but I had to forfeit anyway (it's not sanitary to bleed all over a ping-pong table).

So the way things are going, I'll be lucky to avoid falling into the firepit!

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