Well, between the last post and this one, I chatted with Sarah. She revealed to me that it was, in fact, she and Jen who planted the prank at the cabin! Here's what Sarah had to say about it:
This past weekend was a smash hit for some and a rather unsettling experience for others. I would like to uncover a few mysteries by telling of the weekend from a female point of view.
Jen & I decided to take a trip up to the Dells this weekend. While a great, fun place to visit it was also in rather close proximity to some men who we decided to have a little fun with.

We started off small thinking a pile of stones with some ketchup should be sufficient, but really there needed to be more. So we moved on to body outlines consisting of plastic utensils (very noisy by the way). During the day we visited a candy store and there were these long gummy snakes that would provide a perfect element of fun & fright. Putting all the pieces together we did a mock up of the outline in our room and then headed up to the cabin where the men were sleeping peacefully around 12:30am.
Everything was going perfectly, we had found the cabin no problem, parked at the end of the drive, took the paths to the back of the house (we noticed there was a light on at the front of the house) and started to lay out the body outlines. We got about half-way through when this dark creature started to approach. At first we were frightened, but then a dog bounded up to us and became our partner in crime for the rest of our adventure, literally he would not leave our sides. Jen even tried several unsuccessful attempts to take him back home. He thwarted our plans just enough that we could only do two outlines when we wanted to do three and we had to reapply ketchup several times as he kept licking it off the severed mid-section of our 1st outline.

There were a few time we thought for sure we had been caught. There was a slam at one point, we though had to be a door, we lost ourselves in laughter a couple of times, and the dog at one point sounded like he was barfing (loud noise).
We gathered up our leftovers and headed back to the car, the dog however had other plans and made it very difficult for us to leave, jumping on the car, trying to get inside and then weaving around the car as we tried to back out of the driveway.
We drove away and had made it back to Necedah and felt a bit down. We wanted to see the reactions so after some discussion we drove back to the cabin. The dog once again greeted us at the end of the driveway and we headed down to the cabin. No lights were on and save for the sound of snoring there was silence. We checked the back and everything was still perfect so we left.
Suspecting that we had been caught at some point, we were eager to hear any reactions from the guys, little did we know the kind of evening they had been through and how it added to our prank.
Needless to say, we are THRILLED it went off so well and hope now that all the cards are on the table, we can all have a hearty laugh about this....goodness knows Jen and I have :)
So a big hearty "congratulations" goes out to Jen and Sarah for this one. They got us
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