For those of you who don't know, when I decide to clean something, I've gotta get into a mental state like the karate guys before they break the bricks. So I popped the iPod into my pocket, slapped some headphones on my head, and got down to business. I told myself that I would "reward" myself with a nice lunch after I finished both bathrooms. I fully expected Kathryn and Kristin to have their own lunch at the normal time. But Kathryn wanted to wait to "have lunch with Daddy." I'm loved!
So after I finished, we went out for a late lunch. She wanted to play "Pirates" on the way. That basically means that she tells me, "Set course for <wherever>, First Mate Daddy," to which I'm supposed to reply "Aye aye, Cap'n Kathryn." When we finally get where we're going, she yells, "Land ho!"
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